«Remote Control -Digital Youth Work: TC «Virtual Facilitators»»

Call for Participants for International Project in Greece, «Remote Control -Digital Youth Work: TC «Virtual Facilitators»», 25 Feb – 07 Mar 2022.

(Eligible Countries: Greece, Croatia, Cyprus, Italy, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania – 3 participants per country aged >18 yo)

Τίτλος Προγράμματος: «Remote Control -Digital Youth Work: TC «NGOs Online»»

Project Type: Training Course
Dates: 25/02-07/03/2022 (Including travel days)
Venue: Trikala, Greece

The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of EU. Accomodation and food are fully covered by the organizers and travel expenses will be reimbursed after the end of  the project according to distance calculator up to 180 Euros – North Macedonia, 275 Euros – Croatia, Italy, Poland, Romania, 360 Euros – Portugal. For Greek participants coming from other parts of the region (over 10 km away from Trikala) or other parts of Greece there will be reimbursement of their travel expenses also.

During the Training Course will be used methods of Non Formal Education and the working languade will be English.

(Due to current COVID-19 measures and restrictions in Greece in order to enter the country travelers should provide proof of full vaccination or recovery from COVID-19 and to display a negative molecular test result (PCR) [up to 72 hours] OR a negative Rapid Antigen test result [up to 24 hours] before the scheduled arrival]. Also entrance in closed spaces, restaurants, coffee places, seminar rooms, etc need to fall in the above vaccination categories. Therefore, ALL the participants need to be either fully vaccinated before the start of the activity (Certificate of vaccination is considered valid 14 days after having received the last dose) or to have been infected and recovered from Covid in the past 30-90 days before the start of the activity (this can be proved by a Certificate of recovery from SARS-CoV-2 infection issued by a public authority or a certified laboratory. The recovery certificate is issued 30 days after the day of the first positive COVID-19 test and is valid for 90 days after it). All EU citizens and residents of EU countries will be required to hold and carry with them at all times the EUDCC issued under one of the aforementioned categories (full vaccination or infection and recovery), while citizens of North Macedonia will need to hold and carry their Vaccination Certificate or proof of infection/certificate of recovery of Covid (valid only if issued no sooner than 30 days before the travel day by a official lab).

As of 1st February 2022, any adult is considered to be fully vaccinated if it has passed less than 7 months since they received the second dose of vaccination (or 1 dose in case of monodose vaccine). If it has passed period longer than 7 months, they are considered fully vaccinated and the vaccination certificate is valid ONLY IF they have received a booster shot.)


Project summary:

«Remote Control – Digital Youth Work ” is a project that consists of two mobilities, 2 residential Training Courses that will take place in the region of Trikala, Greece in November 2021 and February 2022, with the participation of 8 partner organisations from Greece, Croatia, North Macedonia, Italy, Romania, Poland, Portugal and Cyprus, under Erasmus+ Programme (KA1 – Mobility of Youth Yorkers).

Based on the needs arrised especially during the Covid-19 crisis that has severely stricken all parts of the world, during which technology has been a clean supporter, the clear aim of this project is to raise the capacities of organizations in youth work and remote youth work with the use of IT and new technologies by developing/upgrading Digital competences for youth workers, in digital management of organisations and distance learning and remote youth work.


Mobility A1: TC “NGOs Online”

The main objective of the first activity TC “NGOs Online” that took place in November 2021 was to equip youth workers with digital tools and knowledge regarding digital management and social media marketing, creations of websites and blogs and new skills that would allow them to increase the visibility of their organizations work and engage more new people in their activities.

More information about the first activity, toolbox, useful links and daily reports you can find in the website and blog of the project in the link below:


Mobility A2: TC “Virtual Facilitators”

The main objective of the upcoming second activity TC “Virtual Facilitators” is to introduce the participants in distance education techniques in order to enhance distance learning and remote youthwork through common working spaces and learning platforms.

The digitalization of youthwork has been a recent trend, though need of it has been larger than ever during the Covid-19 crisis, when the partners found themselves struggling to provide actions for their members and volunteers, understanding that in this field they were lacking due to not enough knowledge on how to use IT and the virtual world in order to engage young people and keep them active in the time of distress.

Although the realization came under a stressful situation for everyone, they realized that there have always been young people in distress that due to different reasons they cannot participate in non formal education activities and NGOs activities, be it due to personal or health issues and limited mobility, or even young people that live in remote areas and would be more than willing to use learning opportunities throughout the year but there are either provided through highly paid seminars or they are pure academic and do not use non formal education methods.

Therefore this activity is the answer to the organisations’ need to provide qualitative youthwork and remote activities for young people with not necessary physical presence and regardless of where they are based at any time.

Topics to be covered during the Training Course:

-Key concepts and benefits of using ICT to support and enhance learning and assessment in youthwork.

-Ways to use Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, other SM) for remote YW and digital activities

-Use of common working spaces (Zoom/WebEx), LMS (Moodle/Google Classroom), mobile apps, Video sharing apps etc

-Elements of Distance Learning and Remote Youthwork (theoretical part),

-Design and testing of new tools and digital workshops for non formal learning (practical part).


The main objectives of the project are:

-To provide youth workers and their NGOs with digital tools and methods, as well as tools and methods of NFE,

-to promote digital management and social media marketing for NGOs,

-to promote distance learning and remote youth work and discover different approaches of non-formal education,

-to create a network of digital youth workers and digital NGOs by inducting them in the concepts of distance learning and remote youth work,

-to create an online educational pack for remote youth work that can be used also by other youth workers in the future,

-to strengthen the relationships and enhance further cooperation among organizations, strengthening the already existing synergies,

-to promote the Erasmus+ Programme and the opportunities it offers for young people.

Apply here:

Here you will find the Infopack of the project: